Soul Fusion Approach & Philosophy to Healing

In my unique style of counseling, I bring you the best of what psychotherapy offers through evidenced based practices and blend it with naturopathic healing techniques that are specific to the needs of your mind, body and soul.  I believe we all have the ability to heal naturally if given the right tools and support through a beautiful blend of modern western psychology and ancient eastern philosophies.

After 20+ years of working in mental health, and through my own lifelong journey of wellness, I have witnessed the powerful and transformative shift that happens when you combine mind, body and soul interventions through holistic healing. Allow me the privilege to guide your natural healing journey too.  I look forward to working with you!

Recognize what is holding you back

Through counseling and psychotherapy approaches, recognize and understand maladaptive patterns in thoughts, actions, feelings which are holding you back

Release what you no longer need

Through energy work, hypnosis, age or past life regression and other integrative medicine approaches, give your body, mind and soul permission to let go of what no longer serves you and re-align with what does.

Reinforce what you want

Through counseling and hypnotherapy techniques, re-program and allow yourself to receive what you want and reinforce what works. Take action toward goals important to you, using positive psychology and other integrative approaches.